Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lavasch Crackers

Lavasch Crackers

I never thought I'd love a cracker enough to invest the time into making it at home. That is until recently, when I bought some Lavasch crackers and topped them with a creamy goat cheese and a layer of fig spread. The salty, seedy toppings on the cracker complimented the sweetness of the fig in just the rightest of ways and made my taste buds do a little dance. Lavasch are an expensive cracker, though, and since my appetite is more extravagant than my budget large, I had to find a way to fit more of this satisfying snack into my life... I put away a whole afternoon getting these just right, but get them right I did, and I think you should try them.

Equipment: stand mixer with dough attachment, large mixing bowl, pasta machine, rolling pin, wet dishcloth or plastic wrap, dough scraper, pastry brush, cookie sheet and liner

  • 2-1/2 c. bread flour, plus additional if needed
  • 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
  • 2-1/4 tsp. (or 1 pkg.) yeast
  • 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tsp. sugar or honey
  • 1cup lukewarm water, plus additional if needed
  • 2 tsp. olive oil
  • a variety of seeds and seasonings: I use sesame, caraway, fennel, and poppy, as well as kosher salt, dried rosemary, and cracked pepper for toppings
  • In bowl of stand mixer, put your yeast, 1/2 c. whole wheat flour, sugar or honey and 1 cup of water. Combine and allow to sit 5-10 minutes, until foamy.
  • Turn mixer on low and add bread flour slowly, a cup at a time. Add salt and 1 tsp. of the olive oil. Once incorporated, turn mixer to a medium/high setting. At this point your mixture should begin to take a dough shape. You can add additional flour or water to get it right. Let it work for 8 or so minutes. You're looking to form a ball, pliable, not too dry or sticky.
  • Turn out onto floured board and knead by hand an additional few minutes. Form into a ball.
  • Put 1 tsp. olive oil in large bowl and transfer the dough, covering all sides of dough with the oil. Cover with wet dishcloth or plastic wrap. Let sit about an hour, until doubled in size.
  • Pre-heat oven to 500.
  • Remove dough from bowl and knead another few minutes, form into a ball. Cut ball into strips, narrow enough to fit through pasta machine. Roll out one strip using rolling pin, set the others aside under dishcloth until ready to use.
  • Starting with setting 1 on pasta machine, run through each setting all the way through setting 6. Repeat with remaining dough strips. You could also roll these out by hand but they have to be very thin and very consistent, I found this the best way of achieving the outcome I was looking for. 
  • You're now ready to cut. Shapes are up to your discretion. I made some bite sized rounds using a biscuit cutter, some strips and triangles using my dough scraper. Just be sure the crackers you lay out on your sheet in each batch are about the same size for even cooking.
  • On a lined cookie sheet, lay out your shapes. Paint each cracker with your pastry brush dipped in water and sprinkle on your toppings. I mixed my toppings together prior to this step for efficiency. Don't skimp on the salt!
  • Bake em! Bake times vary depending on the size of your crackers, but it's short and seconds matter. Mine were about 3 minutes. They're done when you can see slight browning and they've developed small bubbles.

XO, Debbie

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