Saturday, April 23, 2011

Filled Dates Appetizer

Having dinner guests always inspires me to try out new culinary delights. I just came up with these filled-date bites last night. They're wonderfully caramel-like in consistency and flavor. They make a great little appetizer, so I wanted to share with you all before the Easter holiday.

Cheese and Nut Filled Dates 

  • 8 fresh Medjool dates
  • 2-3 ozs. Fromager d'Affinois (lovely double cream French cheese)
  • 1/8 c. finely chopped pecans (hazelnuts would also be delicious)
  • Pre-heat oven to 375
  • Pit the dates from the stem end (I used a bird's beak knife to do this without much ado.)
  • Mix the cheese and pecans together well
  • Stuff the dates (you could use a pastry bag for this step, I used my fingers)
  • Bake in baking dish for 10-12 minutes or until skin is very lightly crisped
  • Serve hot
 Enjoy, and a Happy Holiday to all!

XO, Debbie

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