Monday, June 20, 2011

Drinking Vinegars!

These fruity concoctions, common for some time in Japan, have gained much in popularity lately in the States. I would have loved to have learned of these during my four pregnancies. Apple cider vinegar, while a sure cure for heartburn, simply dilluted is not as pleasant to swallow.

I've tried two flavors of this so far, a ginger and granny smith apple variety and a rhubarb variety. Let your imagination be your guide.

You'll need:

  • 1 cup chopped fruit
  • about 2 cups apple cider vinegar with mother, such as Bragg
  • 1-1/2 cups (or so) sugar
-plus seltzer at service

Instructions: Chop up your fruit and put it in a mason jar. Mash it roughly using a fork (or a muddler if you have one). Add vinegar to cover (you want the fruit completely immersed), cover top of jar with several layers of cheesecloth (the scent will attract gnats, you have to keep those suckers out), and use a mason jar lid ring or rubber band to hold it down. Leave in a dark spot (I use my pantry) for one week. Remove, strain juices into a saucepan and discard the solids. Add sugar and bring to a low boil, stirring occasionally. Mixture will thicken slightly. Taste test using a small amount of vinegar syrup with seltzer. If needed, add more sugar and boil a little longer. Lid it and store it in the fridge. Use a few tablespoons per 2 cups of seltzer to serve.

XO, Debbie

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